Thursday 18 September 2014

13.09.14 Aalborghus DAY 10

Today we had a landing in Aalborghus. A former Danish trappers’ station at Gefion Havn on the south side of Godfred Hansen Ø. The first building erected on the site was a trappers hut built in 1933. But when a trapper team of two arrived in august 1938 they build a hut in three days. The name Aalborghus was given as the house was built with funds raised in Aalborg and Nørresund, by a company called Nanok. 

The station was then manned in from 1938-41 and 1945-52, were also a shed was built.
We had snow on the landing site. Winter has arrived in Northeast Greenland! It was windy and cold, but that did not stop the passengers in going out. A few people were sliding around on the icy areas on the site, but most people seemed to enjoy themselves and even though kayaking was cancelled, hiking and ice cruising was still on and that was a succes!   

During the evening the crew did karaoke in the observation lounge and with a little persuasion from Aka (one of the Greenlanders on board) a few passengers decided to sing and dance! Well well, let us say goodnight, and see you again tomorrow.